The Gringo Has Landed

I made it to Mexico City, and I remember what the holy hell of loud chaos it is here. I love it, and it is overwhelming. Yesterday and early today, it was just way too much for me. But after some [super lame™] sleep, meditation, and journaling, I felt a lot better. I can tell I’ll need to balance out my peaceful, private time here with the balls-to-wall approach. I enjoyed the hell out of today. People are nice as fuck. To be fair to them, I’m a weird/abrasive looking ginger, so they’re a lot nicer to me sometimes than I would be to myself XD

Next Mission: figure out the metro and walk around Polanco (another borough) tomorrow – the other location for my Spanish classes


  • Final goodbyes, going away, dinner with the boys, and whatever the fuck else. YOLO’d and got 2 more tattoos before I left. I will get sleeve and inked up more down here to take advantage of the sick artists in CDMX
  • Walked 6+ mi around Coyoacán (like a borough in NYC)
  • Bought some new shoes for more walking that look less like shit
  • Finally got some pesos after some issues
  • Talked with numerous people all in Spanish… we mostly understood each other, so it’s promising to see I can “make it” after only getting here. I want to really get to the point I can express myself more deeply in Spanish. Stretch goals: Be able to artfully get in an argument and dirty talk in Spanish – that’s when I’ll know I made it


I felt very much like an outsider yesterday and this morning. People dress a lot more clean, trendy, generic here than back in the US. We really pride ourselves on looking weird as fuck in America 🇺🇸 . Using my patented super lame™ methods above, I was able to work out of this. I can tell I will feel very lonely here if I hide inside all day. Classes, walking around, and maybe some dating will help me counteract this. I could really feel that fear just taking over earlier, but I won’t let it. I’ll keep pacing myself to increase the exposure. Momma didn’t raise no bitch – eyes on the prize