Done Working And Now Packing

Last day of bartending yesterday and received no hours for my computer job this month. I move in 1.5 weeks. Next mission: chill with my friends & empty my apartment


  • Finished bartending… trained a couple of new people and made a bunch of drinks (I’d estimate I’ve made over 1,000 cocktails which sounds cool). Per my work stats, I’ve worked almost 250hrs in my part-time job (half of that time was barbacking). I’m definitely a better bartender for it
  • Technically I got 5 hrs from my other computer job, so I already worked all that
  • Got some people lined up to take my shit out of my apartment
  • Spending the whole weekend with friends
  • Monday “Going Away” party with my restaurant crew

Non-Action Highlights

  • Restaurant server team wrote a list of “Things We’ll Miss About Kyle”… super wholesome. Most revolved around: “his bright personality”, “his positive vibes”, “his luscious hair”. I’ll miss the shit out of those fucks. We all teared up a little when I said goodbye last night
  • Mentally, feeling sharp, confident, and full of vigor. Not every day is perfect, but WAY WAY better
  • Finished my 6-wk insomnia CBT… sleep is a lot better, and I FEEL a lot better – still working to improve this
  • About to die from excitement for my new life chapter, friends, ladies, knowledge, and experiences en México (and LatAm)